After calling Alaska home for most of 40 years, Sheli's out finding her true calling (and a handful of adventures), while stopping to visit as many friends, labyrinths, and ice cream shops as possible along the way. She believes that Life is Good, you can never have too many friends, and Ice Cream makes everything better. Learn more about Sheli at

Recommendation: Wool Dryer Balls

Wool dryer balls are one of those ingenious little hacks that save time and money, yet require only a small investment.  When I learned about them, I contemplated making them myself, but quickly remind myself that my attention span (Look! Over there!) meant it was a project that would quickly get sidetracked without completion. As…

Faith Focus – Judges 6:17

Judges 6:17 (NIV)  17 Gideon replied, “If now I have found favor in your eyes, give me a sign that it is really you talking to me. I find this scripture to be a powerful invitation. Yes, invitation. Further down in the passage (Judges 6:36-39), the context of the invitation is more clearly seen: Image by diapicard…