Labyrinth Lessons – The Difference Between

These lessons came from a labyrinth walk from 10/21/2021.

On this particular day, a beloved co-worker popped over to my house in the late afternoon to check out our neighborhood labyrinth and visit with me.

You will not make this journey alone. 

I am generally a big fan of solo labyrinth walks. 

 A solo labyrinth walk is one of the few places where I feel like it’s just me (and God), even when other people are around.  Having another person (or people) walking the labyrinth at the same time as me just seemed to muddy up the waters when I’m seeking clarity and answers.

I mean, I already have two personalities living inside me (RELAX, I’m just referring to the fact that I’m a Gemini!), so sometimes  it feels a bit crowded up in my headspace. At least, that’s what I always thought. 

My gal pal, Britt, walking my neighborhood labyrinth for the first time.

 It was Britt’s first time walking the labyrinth and I had a strange compulsion to walk the labyrinth during the same time she was walking it (though we staggered our starts).

Britt is an amazing coworker and friend- and she’s been a tremendous gift in my life, especially through some heartache and loss that I’ve struggled with over the last year. I felt compelled to begin walking the labyrinth while she was still walking it, which is unusual for me; I can only guess that I was unconsciously drawn to be near her because she has shown such unconditional love and unwavering support.

It makes sense, then, that the first labyrinth lesson was a reminder that I am not alone- that WE are not alone as we journey through life, especially the challenging periods of our lives. 

Finally versus final

Joelrobledo97, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Background image by Noita Digital on Unsplash

Heavy sigh… I wish I had a better clarity on this one.   

I try to write down brief notes to myself to remember what I “hear” and what resonated with me during a labyrinth walk, and I can usually look at my comments and immediately recall the feeling and experience and (my interpretation of) the meaning.

Unfortunately, when I look at those two words – Finally and Final, it feels…. foggy to me, though.

I remember that I spent a lot of time really contemplating the difference between something being FINAL and something FINALLY happening.

Such similar words – but the meanings can be so profoundly different. 

One is about the end, and the other, in this instance, is about a new beginning- one that has been long awaited and so welcome….

And now, suddenly,  just like that, without even knowing how it suddenly became so clear – that is EXACTLY what this was about… me understanding the difference between something being final and something finally happening.

Things will not turn out the way you expect 

“Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht” is an old Yiddish adage that translates to, “Man Plans, and God Laughs.”

I dot’ know about the rest of you, but I like to plan things out, so I know what’s coming next.  I’ll even try to orchestrate events in my life to get the results I want.  Unfortunately, my best-laid plans are often upended by… life.

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

Life is full of the unexpected-  sometimes disappointing and sometimes exhilarating, and it was  made clear to me that I am not calling the shots as much as I would like.

In closing...

While I don’t normally include anyone else’s thoughts or moments in a labyrinth lesson, I was (again) compelled to reach out to Britt- this time to ask if she had any thoughts she wanted to share after her labyrinth walk. Her reply really touched my heart.  Here is what she had to say about the labyrinth and her labyrinth experience. 

“I was impressed with it to begin with, but more impressed after I walked it.  It must have been a labor of love to create, and I’m sure those who walk it, appreciate the time spent to create it.  At this point, I can’t recall what the question I had while walking it, but I’m sure it had to do with the recent cancer diagnosis.  I was completely preoccupied with learning and researching all things invasive ductal carcinoma.  I reflected on our friendship too, because I popped-in to do that labyrinth walk, and was grateful you spent the time to walk it with me.  

Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.


  1. I once had a tarot reading. (Which I’m still conflicted about. I guess I’m like a ‘curious skeptic’ (in many areas – not just tarot).) I’m not sure any of this hokum is real…but part of me wants it to be. I know…crazy. Anyway, she asked me to focus. And i asked if I should focus on a particular question and she said something to the effect that this is a ‘Jeopardy’ type reading- I will get an answer and then I can try and figure out the question I need answering. Perhaps going in to a labyrinth with just an open spirit with no expectation will centre your soul thereby allowing the answer AND questions to solidify thereafter.

    • The labyrinth walk is where you go to get closer to God. The part that impacted me the most is that your friend appreciated you walking with her. This shows me that we are not designed to do life alone but with a community of friends.

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